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Truesec Joins Forces With Europol To Fight Cybercrime

In a joint quest against cybercrime, Europol, the Dutch National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, and selected IT security companies have joined forces to disrupt cybercriminal businesses with ransomware connections. The global initiative No More Ransom helps ransomware victims retrieve encrypted data without paying the criminals.

For every ransom paid, cybercriminal groups grow stronger. At Truesec, we have a strong track record of helping hundreds of clients recover from ransomware attacks – without having to pay a ransom. By being an active contributor to No More Ransom, we can help more victims with our technical expertise and help them minimize the damage from cyber attacks, says Markus Lassfolk Vice President of Truesec Incident Response.

Markus Lassfolk, Vice President, Truesec Incident Respons

Markus Lassfolk, Vice President of Truesec Incident Response.

The cybersecurity company Truesec has been appointed as Associate Partner after contributing to the development of the new unique decryption tool and keys for the Chaos ransomware family, which will help thousands of victims retrieve encrypted data and valuable information. Truesec has been at the forefront of fighting cybercrime for many years and has extensive experience managing some of the most significant and complex incidents worldwide.

At Truesec, we know firsthand what devastating impact ransomware attacks have on organizations and critical infrastructure. We are happy to contribute to the No More Ransom initiative and welcome any collaboration that helps create safety for our societies. This is a fight we must win together, says Anna Averud, CEO of Truesec Group.

Anna Averud, CEO, Truesec Group

Anna Averud, CEO of Truesec Group.

About No More Ransom

No More Ransom

No More Ransom, launched in July 2016, is a collaboration between Europol, the Dutch National Hi-Tech Crime Unit, and selected IT security companies, helping ransomware victims retrieve encrypted data without paying the cyber criminals.

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