The regulatory requirements on the horizon like NIS2*, CRA*, DORA*, CSA*, and the ever-evolving GDPR dictate that you need to work with cybersecurity in a market-established, structured, and accepted way. The number of regulatory requirements will only continue to grow, so it’s high time to ensure your business is well prepared for a new future.

True experts in cybersecurity
Compliance Ensures the Protection of Data and Actively Mitigates Risks
You need a cybersecurity strategy that limits business interruptions, meets regulatory demands, and enables you to reach your business goals.
We safeguard you against cybercrime
The Regulatory Requirements
We safeguard you against cybercrime
What Are NIS and NIS2?
The NIS directive, introduced by the EU in 2016, mandates security requirements for critical service providers in sectors like energy, healthcare, and transportation. NIS2, the updated directive (EU) 2022/2555, expands its scope beyond earlier versions, encompassing more organizations.
This new legislation reflects evolving cybersecurity threats and aims to standardize implementations across EU states. In Sweden, the directive is transitioning into the law (Lag (2018:1174) om informationssäkerhet för samhällsviktiga och digitala tjänster) with a targeted implementation by Q3 2024.

NIS2 compliance
NIS2 Program

How we help
Working With Information Security

Improve cybersecurity
Truesec Has Resources To Help With All Aspect of This Regulation

Truesec CSIRT